Our investment management team works closely with you to create a custom portfolio to achieve your individual goals, whether you are a private or institutional investor. We offer both discretionary and non-discretionary portfolio management.
- Customized Portfolio Management
- Asset Allocation
- Diversification
- Risk Assessment
- Investment Tax Consequences
- Growth Focused Portfolios
- Income and Distribution Focused Portfolios
We work with individuals and entrepreneurs to find a balance between enjoyment today and financial stability tomorrow. Working together with our planning team we will build a stable plan to create financial stability for yourself and your family. Our comprehensive approach focuses on the effective use of investments, and insurances to protect, preserve and grow your hard earned assets.
- 529 Plans
- Asset Protection
- Long-Term Care
- Insurance
- Business Succession Plans
No matter where you are in your retirement planning, StrataCore can help. We offer guidance, the tools and the advice you need to take yourself or your corporation through the entire planning process. With our strategies you can pursue and achieve your retirement goals.
- Defined Contributions Plans - 401k, SIMPLE
- IRAs - SEP, ROTH, Traditional
- Executive Compensation
A sophisticated investor requires non-correlated investment strategies. StrataCore can create a private placement and alternative investment strategy. We also offer social and faith based investment management and planning. The strategies may include:
- Socially Conscious Investments
- Faith Based Investments
- Private Placements
- Healthcare REITs
- Business Development Company
- Real Estate Investment Trust
- Structured Products
- Private Equity Funds
StrataCore work closely together with you and your family to establish a lasting and trusting relationship for present and future generations. We will work closely with your estate planners to ensure precise execution of the mission statement that you and your planner have created. Together we will establish and execute your vision for your family and your legacy.
- Wills
- Trusts
- Inter-Generational Wealth
- Philanthropic Guidance
- Family LImited Partnerships
- Estate Lawyer referrals